Members of partner Streamkeeper groups have worked together to design the Road Salt Project Stream Scientists Kit. This is an educational program for Gr. 3-7 teachers/educators who would like to teach their students about stream ecology, potential human impacts on stream habitats, and how to help keep our stream ecosystems safe and healthy. Since kids learn best through fun and engaging, hands-on activities, the Stream Scientists activities involve play, creative expression, and the opportunity for kids to get their hands wet – all with an educational focus.

Preliminary Activities
Help build context by teaching students about salmon and benthic invertebrate life cycles, why we use road salt, and the importance of biodiversity and fragility of food webs.

Field Activities
Students measure the water quality of their local creek and collect/identify benthic invertebrates (little bugs that live in the water) from the creek. Students will use the information they collect to better understand the health of their creek.
Please note that access to a creek is necessary to complete the field activities.

Follow-up Activities
Allows students to reflect and expand on what they’ve learned!
In an effort to make the Stream Scientists Kits as accessible as possible, we have several options for teachers
1. Free Download
All the activities in the Stream Scientists Kits are available for download. The PDFs contain instructions on how to facilitate each activity and copies of all worksheets, game cards, and other printouts, which teachers can copy as needed for their students. For activities that require additional items, we have provided lists of required materials/equipment. This is a great option for teachers who don’t have access to a creek, as they can select relevant preliminary and follow-up activities to do with their class.
Download Below to Get Started!
Field Trip
2. Purchase A Kit
Total cost: $300​​
​​The Stream Scientists Kit is available for purchase. With the kit, you will get laminated copies of all the activity instructions, worksheets, and other printouts; a deck of Go Fish & Bug game cards, a conductivity meter and other water testing materials, and all equipment to do the activities. You will only have to supply a few household items (e.g., plastic spoons). When you purchase a kit, you will receive contact info for a support person who can answer questions you may have about any of the activities.
If you would like to purchase a kit, please reach out to Kristen Munk (Alouette River Management Society) at communications@alouetteriver.org.

3. Rent A Kit
Total cost: $30
​​Some of the stream stewardship groups who are partnered on the Road Salt Project have Stream Scientist Kits that they can loan to teachers. The kit contains laminated copies of all the activity instructions, worksheets, and other printouts; a deck of Go Fish & Bug game cards, a conductivity meter and other water testing materials, and all equipment to do the activities. You will only have to supply a few household items (e.g., plastic spoons). For teachers interested in renting a Stream Scientists Kit, please reach out to one of the below stream stewardship groups.
Cariboo Heights Forest Preservation Society
Location: Burnaby
Contact: Utta Gagel
Email: burnabys.secretforest@gmail.com​
Alouette River Management Society
Location: Maple Ridge
Contact: Kristen Munk
Email: communications@alouetteriver.org
Still Moon Arts Society/Still Creek Streamkeepers
Location: Vancouver
Contact: Connelly Stirling
Email: connelly@stillmoonarts.ca​​

4. Bring in a
Streamkeeper Leader
Cost variable​
​For teachers who want support with the stream activities (collecting water quality data, catching and identifying benthic invertebrates that live in the creek), some of the partnering Streamkeeper groups have offered to lead the stream activities with classes.
For this option, the teacher can borrow a Stream Scientists Kit from the Streamkeeper group (or use their own kit, if they elected to purchase one) to run the preliminary and follow-up activities, and then one or more volunteers from the Streamkeeper group will join the class on their field trip to facilitate the stream activities. The cost for a Streamkeeper Leader will vary depending on the number of students, amount of time, and how many Streamkeepers are required.
For teachers interested in having support from a Streamkeeper Leader, stay tuned for which stewardship groups are available!