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PSEC Community Engagement Coordinator

Nikki Kroetsch

Nikki leads the DFO Pacific Science Enterprise Centre’s (PSEC) Community Stream Monitoring (CoSMo) project - a long-term collaborative stream monitoring initiative in the Vancouver Lower Mainland that involves steam stewardship organizations, municipal governments, and academic institutes. Given the shared goals,
objectives, and partners of the Road Salt and Pacific Salmon Success Project and the CoSMo project, collaborating with Nikki and the PSEC
made perfect sense.
Nikki plays a vital role as the primary point of contact for volunteers and researchers, facilitating clear communication in the project. She also installs the in-stream data loggers, trains volunteers in their use and maintenance, and manages the logger data, including making the data publicly available via the DataStream page (see link below).


Alan James has been a leading member of the Stoney Creek Environment Committee since 2002, demonstrating unwavering commitment to protecting local freshwater streams. Alan built upon the research initiated by Vladimir Soukatchev, a former Stoney Creek volunteer who first tracked a road salt contamination site from Burnaby Mountain. To investigate if more streams were being contaminated by road salt, Alan and other Stoney Creek volunteers obtained a grant from the Pacific Salmon Foundation to purchase several water quality loggers. After obtaining additional data, it was apparent that more streams were being similarly impacted. In response, Alan spearheaded The Road Salt and Pacific Salmon Success Project, to investigate if road salt was impacting rearing Pacific salmon. Alan's pivotal role in protecting local aquatic ecosystems is deeply appreciated by researchers, students, volunteers, and the community.

Alan James

Stoney Creek Environment Committee Member

Alan James

Forest Aerial View


We are thankful to those at Capilano Hatchery who assisted UBC researchers in obtaining coho eggs. Our experimental lab studies (physiology and toxicology) would not be possible without the help of hatchery employees and members of the Salmon Enhancement Program, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)


Artist & Streamkeeper

Hannah Case

Hannah is a Victoria born, Vancouver based artist. She has been volunteering with the Still Creek Streamkeepers since 2022 and is passionate about preserving and protecting our local streams. In 2022, she graduated from Vancouver Film School, and she works as a freelance illustrator and concept artist. 

Hannah's invertebrate drawings will be incorporated into our educational kits. 

 Hannah's Illustrations

benthic invertebrate

Riffle Beetle

benthic invertebrate

Dragon Fly

benthic invertebrate



The Road Salt Project would not be possible without the support and funding of the Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC)


We are grateful to the Pacific Salmon Foundation for providing funding for additional equipment, supporting the fieldwork conducted by our partnered Streamkeeper organizations.


NSERC alliance
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